from my camera / summer

hi! i'm finally back from a nice summer break and trying to adjust to real life again. we moved away from temecula to our own place in san diego and have been loving it. living at home has it's perks, but we are so happy to be on our own again. be ready for lots of home posts because decorating my house is all i can think about lately. and cooking/eating, it is so much fun to have my own kitchen again.

jarman started law school last week and absolutely loves it so far. i've been kind of jealous that he gets to go to school still- i miss it! i'm trying to find ways to enrich myself and keep busy with important things (rather than just shopping). most days i feel like such a housewife - i clean, cook, do laundry, work from home, and wait patiently for jarman to get home from school to hang out with me.

today marks 100 days until baby's due date! every day i still can't believe how crazy it is that we are actually having a baby. i try to grasp how much it will change our day to day lives. overall i'm just so amazed that it's really happening. sometimes it feels like it hasn't hit me yet- like this pregnancy is just another part of life. but i love feeling him move and kick, it makes it seem so much more real. i keep having dreams where i'm looking at my belly and watching him bump around in there, and then all of a sudden i can see him through my belly. one time he was actually halfway out and we were playing with him. another time i could see whole imprints of his feet and toes because he was kicking so hard. pregnancy dreams never stop and get weirder every day. i'm pretty sure jarman thinks i'm insane every morning when i tell them to him.

anyways, i wanted to share some photos of what we have been up to the past month! at the end of july jarman's younger brother got home from serving a mission in colorado. we loved picking him up from the airport and finally having his whole family together again!

after lots of jarman family time, we went to a beach house with all of my mom's sister's families. it was so much fun- we stayed in oceanside right on the water crammed in two apartments complete with spa, fire pit, and putting green. we swam and ate and watched beautiful sunsets every night.

my cousin made the cutest video of the beach house, watch it here:

photo shoot / boho glam family pictures


before syd left we really wanted to take family pictures. we hadn't gotten any done since jarman has been an official part of the family. we decided to just try to take them using a tripod and a clicker. it was actually a lot harder than i thought it would be- my clicker wouldn't work if we were too far from the camera, but my good lens makes it so we have to be kind of far. so the ones with the whole family were literally timer pictures where i was running in my six inch heels in the sand to get back to the camera. it was totally worth it though because i love how the pictures turned out.

we decided we wanted to do a boho shoot (which not only provided our stylistic choices but also lots of jokes from the boys). we all tried to wear longish or flowy dresses with big heels. we also brought down a bunch of furs to wear for some of the pictures. we like to choose outfits that loosely go together, rather than things that are obviously matching (like white shirts and jeans). i love the bright blues that pop out of some of the outfits, and we also had creams and browns and black and few others. 

we took the pictures in oceanside (this little outing was on sydney's last day so she got to see the beach and eat at phil's as well). some of them are just in front of people's houses, and the others were on some rocks and stairs that we found. we went down with some ideas of places, but nothing set. it was fun to drive around and find the cutest places we could (we ended up parking the car only once though- all of these locations are within walking distance of each other).

seriously though, how cute is my family? my sisters get prettier and prettier, my mom looks younger and younger, and jarman is handsomer and handsomer. you better believe we will have lots of these pictures all over our house!


from my camera / summer days

because we spent last thanksgiving break at a beach house. because jarman talks about how much he misses the beach and surfing every day. because i miss my sisters. because the weather has taken a turn for the worse in dc. because the sun is my best friend. because i am getting whiter and whiter. because my family is probably going to the beach today. because we are moving to california permanently (knock on wood) in less than a month. because summer should be the only season. because these pictures make me happy.
