ps. swelling has gotten the best of my feet and ankles. it hasn't even been going down over night, i wake up and they are still massive. my inner ankle bone is long gone. while i typically don't have the slimmest ankles (some call them cankles), any semblance of definition i have is totally gone.
pps. i just want to make it known that i don't dress like this every day. in fact most days i wear a t-shirt and maternity jeans. but after looking at another fashion bloggers pregnancy fashion i was encouraged to try a little harder and feel a little better about myself. so while most days all i care about is comfort (and yes my rainbows are the most comfortable thing i wear), i do like to sometimes feel cute and fashionable. i wanted to say that in case any of you readers are pregnant and annoyed at me, because that's how i feel toward other pregnant bloggers who wear things like heels and leather pants. but don't worry, i will definitely be doing a post on my typical pregnancy styles. since i bet you were super worried about that.