how we roll.

I feel like it is time for an update on where we are currently at in life. I mention bits and pieces, but have never fully described our situation. Where do I begin? Well Jarman and I moved back to California after spending a few months doing internships in Washington, D.C. and travelling the east coast. We were lucky enough to have the program paid for through scholarships and my job that I was able to keep long distance. Jarman was working at a law firm, which reconfirmed his desire to go to law school. I spent my time at the National Museum for Women in the Arts, which reconfirmed my unsure desires to continue my art history education.

While I am still debating on getting a graduate degree, all of Jarman’s hard work towards going to law school is finally paying off! He has been accepted to one law school so far and we are anxiously awaiting more decisions. We will most likely be going somewhere in (Southern) California, though we have made no final decisions yet. We have about 8 months until law school starts, so we have moved in with my in-laws for the time being. Most people tell me it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, that we are allowed to be young and poor, but it’s still a little humiliating. Luckily I love my in-laws and they have made it so easy, and honestly we are happy to spend as much time with our families in Temecula before the craziness of law school sets in.

Jarman just got an awesome job at some company doing accounting work. He is so happy to be able to surf as often as he wants, and annoy my little sisters with his repetitive antics. I am happy to be working (still at Ace Test Prep), helping my mom with all of the events and things she gets herself into (weddings, decorating, bridal showers, etc.), and blogging. I love having something to constantly think about and work on, because honestly, I miss school. I like feeling productive (without actually being productive in most cases). I love learning more than anything, and typically I need things that help me to do so. This blog has provided so many opportunities for me to learn and share. We may not have the most glamorous existence, but we have been fortunate in millions of ways and are living our happy lives (including rofl-ing constantly.)
